Haskell IO


The trick is that once you threaded up functions explicitly using a second argument and returning a second value or implicitly, by hiding the second value behind an abstraction barrier, the referential transparency (property) will hold.

Same input and an initial value - same output, and a new “initial” value. These “ pairs” will always be the same, so expressions describing IO (to be performed eventually by runtime) are literally declarative expressions of a logic (describing parts of a pure state-machine).

This is how I/O in Haskell is done. This is the meaning behind the famous

type IO a = World -> (a,World)

IO a uses the abstraction barrier aspect of a Monad (so one cannot see or touch the World).

In Haskell, but not in math, serialization is implicit in any monad because (>>=) is implemented using nested lambdas.

Notice that function composition (.) is also nesting of lambdas. This is not a coincidence - there is absolutely no other way to enforce an order of evaluation in a Normal Order language. One has to nest explicitly.

g . f = \x -> g (f x)

IO a is similar to

type State s a = s -> (a, s)

In the case of IO a the threading through (an enforced serialization) is implicit, while with State s a it is explicit within an ADT.

Yes, it is just an Abstract Data Type, which is also an instance of a Monad.

Just like [a].

Author: <schiptsov@gmail.com>

Email: lngnmn2@yahoo.com

Created: 2023-08-08 Tue 18:37

Emacs 29.1.50 (Org mode 9.7-pre)