Motivation alone is never enough

This is the most important and unpleasant fact - it crushes you naive expectations.

Motivation is important, it literally what moves you, but without habitual self-discipline, introspection and deliberate practice everything will fail, no matter how motivated you are.

Motivation alone is never enough. It only primes you for a task. The task itself requires an appropriate training and developed by repetition (by actually doing it many times – through mistakes to an average performance) neuro-structures in your brain.

There is no substitute for actually doing, no way of not making mistakes (painful and costly).

This, by the way, is a universal principle - not everyone could afford to make mistakes due to the costs, and almost everything requires trial-and-error, which implies “errors” - stops, backtracking and restarts.

Archery is a millennia-old traditional practice, which captures the essence of (can be generalized to) any other practice.

The key to archery is in removal of /tension, both mental and muscular.

Shot with /no-mind (the Mind being empty from any concepts or ideas, the Mind that do not interfere with the body that shoots). This can be reduced conceptually to a calm focus (one-pointedness, literally) and non-conflict between different biological subsystems (just doing this one thing) and an adequate hormonal levels (not too much, just right).

The one who knows (practices) archery (by doing) knows any other practice or performance.

Each shot reveals to yourself what you really (actually) are (instead of what you used to think about yourself).

Author: <schiptsov@gmail.com>

Email: lngnmn2@yahoo.com

Created: 2023-08-08 Tue 18:38

Emacs 29.1.50 (Org mode 9.7-pre)