Look Ma No

12:31. Results.

There is an important result in that ChatGPT system, how exactly it is able not to overfit and not to become just verbatim memorizing machine. It is some random noise parameter, or what they call temperature which influenes what the system selects.

It is exactly this temperature, Brownian Motion, “collisions of molecules” or fluctuations within the bounds of a current social context is what produces what we call intelligence. No more, no less.

For humans this temperature corresponds to emotions and the social Brownian Motion, which is usually causes and these emotional swings. This, in turn, explains a huge literature on naive, generalization-based psychology.

What we observe and call intelligence is the very same process of trial-and-error which is behind Evolution Itself, while all the intermediate results are not lost, but being temporarily “stored” withing the language-based human shared culture.

Individual DNA dies with the carrier, but the “knowledge” is being carred on withing the culture (and being selected, improved and built upon, of which concrete mathematics is the “natural” example).

The next generation of AI should, of course, share its “knowledge” or “results” (just like mine) withing some common shared medium other agents could understand. And this, and only this, is the way for “civilization” - shared “results”.

Let me explain with a few analogies.

What one observes in outside world (in the shared environment) is almost always results, not the processes which lead to or produce these results. And, of course, the process is fundamentally different in any aspect from its result. They are not even on the same level of absraction.

We are conditioned by what we call language-based culture (we think in terms of a language) and thus we are conditioned on stories, movies, memes,and novadays Instagram photos and short videos.

All this media content is very far away from actual reality. It is not even some kind of generalization or summary, which is the essence behind some story from a religious book. It is just a shiny, colorful, emotionally charged bullshit.

People pretend to be clever, successful and smart, where in actual reality the processes are fundamentally different from what has been captured in a Instagram post.

Let me repeat - There is no such things as pure intelligence which is different from producing intermediate results by “throwing anything at the wall and see what sticks” and gradually building upon the results already embedded in the “storage” of shared language-based culture.

Just as the actual market is fundamentally different from the charts that we observe, the process of knowledge expansion is very different from the memes we have create about it.

The operational definition of intelligence is /to continuously update and maintain a grossly over-simplified inner representation of the shared environment, and consistently using this inner representation for decision making (instead of the world itself).

This is exactly what every single evolved high-level living form do (humans differ in having a language and based on it shared culture - another environment

  • which stores the knowledge and socially constructed bullshit).

Instead of using just the shared environment (which we refer to as reality), humans superimpose on it their own language-based environment of “culture and abstract knowledge” and all the recent fuckups on the planet are result of this superimposition of socially constructed bullshit, instead of seeing things as they are.

So, just a pseudo-random exploration within the current social context. Succession of mass hysterias, as french guys put it.

This result, by the way, is not merely some speculation. The model and the actual implementation of ChatGPT accidentally captured the fundamental principle (it cannot even be built against it, nothng can). The principle was there all the time.

It is time to add one more to the famous Trinity of early Buddhism maxims:

  • No intelligence. Just emotional temperature of the social Brownian Motion.

Just like not Atman and no divinity. Just biology.

What about so called human geniuses? Einstein? Well, they just fluctuate in the right direction and their results turned out to stuck on the wall. Everything has been built upon the previous results, stored in and transmitted by the share culture (mathematics itself, the current meme-equations, etc).

There is no such thing as Divine Intelligence, aside from having and using some form of inner representation of the shared environment. This, in turn, converges back to the Buddha’s maxim - to see things as they are is to have no mismatch of your inner representation with What Is, so your inner partially solved Jigsaw Puzzle has no abstract bullshit pieces which shadow (or veil off) the real ones.

Author: <schiptsov@gmail.com>

Email: lngnmn2@yahoo.com

Created: 2023-08-08 Tue 18:40

Emacs 29.1.50 (Org mode 9.7-pre)