the FTX and Alameda shitshow

What strikes me as it unfolds is that these supposedly 150+ IQ MIT math geniuses are just narcissistic abstract bullshitters, not even close (and actually an opposite) to a stereotypical MIT math-inclined nerd.

Yes, the cultures and fashions change fast, and novadays everyone is cosplaying very high intelligence, by copying present day icons - abstract bullshitters like Karpathy or some popular culture character of whom he cosplays.

When the booklist of Caroline has been revealed on /biz/ along with other “memorable” screenshots, what strikes me is all that was just superficial, pretentious bullshit. Not a single deep analytical thought or revelation, actually - no analytical thinking at all, just joggling with abstract concepts, which is a very low effort feat.

So, being just merely above average general intelligence (revealed by SAT scores and MIT grades) these people just were smart enough to understand the unsophisticated markets and to figure out the ways of scamming dumb retail.

Coming up with a “strategy” of consistently shorting memecoins and literal shitcoins (like LINK) using algorithmic trading is not a 150+ IQ achievement. The most difficult think was to find the funds, and this was accomplished by selling to investors that MIT high IQ elitist cosplay.

I would even argue that they we indeed a typical MIT species, it is just that MIT degraded into a safe space for abstract bullshitters, cosplaying above average intelligence, busy with socially constructed nonsense.

My bet is that the algorithms themselves were over-“engineered” with too advanced and redundant abstract mathematical models, which is a mix of signal-processing methodologies (completely irrelevant in the ponzi markets full of liteal retards trading dog coins) and calculus, where a simplest discrete model will do. No wonder that they lost it all.

Maybe some day someone would post something profound from them, but I literally cannot see the signs of an attitude and that mindset which is required for anything really special.

I think even all the code has been just bought ready-made, using investors money.


Author: <schiptsov@gmail.com>

Email: lngnmn2@yahoo.com

Created: 2023-08-08 Tue 18:37

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