
How to make Rust a realy decent language.

Notice that type-classes solve the specification problem, providing more structured approach (the set-subset relation) than a bunch of assertions (as in CLU).

Literally all languages should use them and Ocaml modules, which is the same fundamental structuring mechanisms (set-subset + application) at a higher level.

Anyway, just move from C++-sh imperative crap to Ocaml’s and Scala’s syntactic forms, keeping all the imperative crap as a subset.

Mutable, imperative subset should be a more verbose explicit DSL, not a whole of language.

In brief, take every high-level feature form decent languages, like Ocaml or Scala 3 without breaking too much. Just like Python or Scala 2 to 3 migration.

Again, there are enormous fundamental benefits of having pure-functional defaults and explicitly annotated imperative features as a subset.

Scheme with just (set! ...) syntactic form was the true enlightenment. Decades of ML and Ocaml (and recently Scala 3) also converged to the same principles.

A mostly-functional language with imperative features it the way. Bell labs successfully researched use of Standard ML as a system language, but, of course, zoomers never heard of this.

Common Lisp was also a system language, which proves that being high-level is OK.

Actually, there, probably, no way of fixing Rust. It is better to start a new F# and Scala-based language, minimal, clean, principle-guided, like Scheme used to be. And just like Haskell or Ocaml or F# have proven - syntax matters /a lot.

Author: <schiptsov@gmail.com>

Email: lngnmn2@yahoo.com

Created: 2023-08-08 Tue 18:37

Emacs 29.1.50 (Org mode 9.7-pre)