Minimal Abstraction building blocks

The lemma (by me): Unordered abstractions are always imaginary.

Everything in biological reality represented in a particular order (which may be a symmetry).

Reading of a symmetry is relative, it depends on location of an external observer.

Persistent (pure functional) data structures are partial functions from a Set of inputs to a Set of outputs.

an Ordered Pair

(a,b) A minimal abstraction with corresponds to several related notions.

  • one more than one (single) - the number two
  • one and also (together with) another one - a minimal aggregate

A Pair is necessarily structually different from a single value. It is a differnt level of abstraction - an aggregate.

Represented as

  • a Set of size 2 (unordered)
  • a Tuple (position-based ordering)
  • a List of size 2 (position-based ordering)
  • a Record of 2 elements (symbol-tagged)

an Arrow

A mapping from one arbitrary value to another (arity of 2)

Represented as

  • an Ordered Pair

a Set

a formal definition of a mental concept (a mental category).

  • no notion of an order
  • no notion of a duplicate (multiple references to the same element)
  • the notion of a membership based on the notion of equality
  • the notion of a subset (a selection). may be empty (none) or all
  • notion of partitions (non-overlapping subsets) based on a certain property (a disjoint union of non-overlapping subsets)

an aList

[(a,b)] An association list is a List of ordered pairs (itself in some particular order).

a Function

AB A Set of Arrows from one Set (called domain) to another (called codomain).

A function, as a whole, is usually considered as a Set of Ordered Pairs (values drawn from corresponding Sets).

Is image is a subset of a Cartesian Product (which is a set of all possible Ordered Pairs). This, BTW, is where structural typing kicks in.


f(g(x)) Nesting is the most universal and subtle notion.

It corresponds to use of parenthesis in mathematics for gouping (putting together) and for establishing an explicit order of application (of nested operators).

The notion of an associative operation is based on the notion of nesting.

a HashMap

A set of keys mapped into a set of values.

Author: <schiptsov@gmail.com>

Email: lngnmn2@yahoo.com

Created: 2023-08-08 Tue 18:38

Emacs 29.1.50 (Org mode 9.7-pre)