Irrational Exuberance

Bear market rallies are sudden and violent, since everyone is FOMOing in on an unsubstantiated hopium and gut feeling that everything gonna be all right.

Some hot meme is also required. This time the meme is “the Fed’s pivot”.

The bottom is in! It is in the air, lmao. A “meltup”. Who cares about actual situation?

This is how hopium and wishful thinking of literal degenerates distort reality and pump markets. We got these so called “bear market rallies” which spooked everyone who is trying to think rationally according to an imperfect information about what is actually going on in the world.

And this is why “buy the dip” meme is a valid one - a “bear market rally” could erupt at any moment because it is based on feelings and wishful thinking of a large, primitive crowd. It is just a cascade or a chain reaction, an irrational bullish exuberance, which is very real nevertheless and the prices are going parabolic out of nothing.

This is when badly timed shorts (too late) get stopped out or even liquidated for literally nothing except this irrational exuberance.

Nothing has been solved in EU. UK PM’s financial decisions are just gambling. The war is about to escalate. The UN’s demand to stop hiking is bullshit - better to do something about the actual cause of this recession instead. No reason for a pump like this.

But it pumps because everyone wishes for a pump.

Author: Ln Gnmn <lngnmn2@yahoo.com>

Email: lngnmn2@yahoo.com

Created: 2023-08-08 Tue 18:41

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