
A frame is a List of Candles or just [Candle]

Ideally, it should be a dependent type, parameterized by its time interval, so the Frames of different sizes would be strictly separated.

This requirement can be relaxed and a Frame must be an ADT.

Conceptually, it is an ordered sequence if Candles. Technically it is a List (an instance of literally all the standard type-classes).

The ordering is defined by timestamps of Candles at the time of creation.

An interval

A Frame can be seen as an interval between two timestamps.

It is between the opening timestamp of the first Candle in a sequece and the closing timestamp of the last Candle in a sequence.


Candles are Frames are immutable.


There will be a set of functions which take a Frame and look inside Candles, just like map and fold do.

They should be private to the Frame module and use Candle imports.

Author: <schiptsov@gmail.com>

Email: lngnmn2@yahoo.com

Created: 2023-08-08 Tue 18:37

Emacs 29.1.50 (Org mode 9.7-pre)