
The main point of writing is to commit verbatim some generalized knowledge (principles, major facts and relations) so when you inevitably forget the details, you could prime yourself back in the most efficient way.

Nowadays books are being written to profit the publishers, not to teach, so you have to write your own distilled knowledge. There will be no time to read again all these 400 pages (on average) piles of bullshit and naive manipulative speak.

So, always write notes when you read. You will forget everything in a year.


Process of writing makes clear what I do not understand (yet). Use writing as a primary mechanism to develop understanding

Thinking about the subject

It is only the man who writes absolutely for the sake of the subject that writes anything worth reading.

Those who have thought before they begin to write. They write solely because they have thought; and they are rare.

Only extremely few of them think about the subject itself.

To change reader’s mind

Write only to change the way your readers think. Otherwise just stop.

Do not write to show what you know or what you think. (like that fucking Russian faggot in .nl - Haskellrank)

Write to profoundly change reader’s view of the world. Write to hack the reader. (change reader’s mind - the deep structure).

Explanation is usefull only within the context of Value (to the reader) and persuasion (changing the reader’s mind).


Verbalization (articulation)

Verbalization is a process of encoding of an intuition or an insight in a human language for verbal (oral) communication. Articulation of an intuition or an insight is the first step to capture it.


Due to ambiguity of human languages a well-defined context is required. Basically, it is a dictionary (or a shared environment of bindings) which defines meaning of each word. Different aspects of reality it is said to form different contexts.

The notion of a well-defined shared context is crucial for successful communication. Without an appropriate context a message cannot be decoded by receiver (the deep structure cannot be transmitted without loss of meaning ). The meaning of a transmitter will differ from what receiver has.

Written form.

The better way of communication is to use a written form of language. Writing is a transmission of information over time (information being encoded for transmission). Have an Idea? - write it down first. Nothing clarifies the mind better than writing. It allows to re-create the shared context before describing an idea. Define (in a written form) the shared context to use in communication Use your writing process to help yourself think.

Help your thinking

Writing is the most efficient way to help your thinking. Articulating or verbalizing intuitions and insights about the world inside your head as merely thoughts floating around is not enough. Writing gives a form to thoughts. It formalizes thoughts.


Write the idea down, check if it is still good after one week.


  • Well-motivated
  • Of wide interest
  • Clear and lively
  • Never half-ass.
  • Keep your reader in mind
  • Explain your results (not how clever you are)
  • Arouse curiosity and do not disappoint.


Short, but informative, include most relevant key words and concepts.


The first paragraph

This is a “menu”, a “programme”, an appetizer - a pleasant summary of what is ahead. It must be fair and clear - no bullshit. Describe in general terms what the text is about in a way that which motivate the reader to continue reading.

The very first sentence

This opening sentence (the first impression) must command the reader’s interest and should motivate to read the rest. A click-bait is OK, but it must not be tasteless or vulgar.


Just mention what branches of math or general knowledge you are using. The reader does not have to be familiar with each theorem you are going to invoke but need only be able to understand what it means when you quote it. (Why are you invoking something.)

Notation and terminology

Introduce terminology gradually, on site, as the text unfolds. Do not place it in the one preliminary overwhelming section. Weave The required information into the text as it goes along.


Prefer short words.

Long words will not impress your customers or help your writing style.

Use everyday English whenever possible.

Avoid jargon and legalistic words, and always explain any technical terms you have to use.

Short sentences

Keep your sentence length down to an average of 15 to 20 words.

Try to stick to one main idea in a sentence.

Avoid pretentious use of language

Use simple active verbs as much as possible. Say ‘we will do it’ rather than ‘it will be done by us’ or ’it shall be done’.

Be concise

Imagine you are talking to your reader.

Write sincerely, personally, in a style that is suitable and with the right tone of voice.


And always check that your writing is clear, helpful, human and polite.


Organize material in a spiral, so it continually builds upon what they have already learned. Spiral-shaped process could be Inductive or recursive process


  • “Make every word tell”
  • “Omit needless words.”
  • Know your audience, what they want to know
  • Put the most important information first
  • Use bullet lists (text must have a structure)
  • One idea per paragraph (less is more)
  • Edit, Edit, Edit (recursively simplify until reaching a local optimum)

Language of proofs

Writing gives a form to verbal thoughts and also to non-verbal intuitions and insights

  • Correct, concise, clear, brief.
  • Straight to the point.
  • Elegant.

Less is more.

Omit redundant words. Optimize to a local optimum. Where is nothing more to remove. Like poetry.

Formal definition

Formal definition (for a formal mathematical model). Math is the formal language of describing aspects of what is. So a formal model is always possible, given that it indeed captures an aspect of what is (not some abstract bullshit).


a wiki is a structured shared contexts in a written form

not just plain text

hierarchical data tree-like structures 2d (tables) use links! in org-mode and Trac use code-blocks use small files (like separate modules)


Stop and think before you start writing. Make a list of the points you want to make in a logical order.

Author: <schiptsov@gmail.com>

Email: lngnmn2@yahoo.com

Created: 2023-08-08 Tue 18:31

Emacs 29.1.50 (Org mode 9.7-pre)